Well I noticed that the GetCashFastWithGoogle, vanished from one of my favourite sites and ended up being replaced by this loverly brunette lady.
Have fun looking around at them, i'm sure Mary is just another Craig with the online money scamming things, just trying to get us to spend more money, in the hope that our desperate needs will be met by one their scams.
Its called Social Engineering, people! Wake up and smell the crap, if its too good to be true then when it comes to online activity and the desire we all have with lining our pockets with more money, then it's likely to be just that, crap.
Go out, get your self some books and teach your self some coding, maybe you will be able to come up with something original and then, just then you may actually be making the money that you are seeking.
Laters, I cba, and Mary or Marie... nice try.