Free 2010 Calendar

Alright guys, I figured I've been taking lots of photographs recently and I decided to turn them into a calendar for 2010, for free. If you want the free calendar then feel free to download it from the following link, where I've hosted it on server space.

Free 2010 Calendar = FREE 2010 CALENDAR (Click here).

Have a look if you want before you save it, but print it out, hand it to friends, give it as a gift, heck do what you want with it, its free!

- Free 2010 Calendar, does not mean the images can be re-used.
- Free 2010 Calendar, does still imply that I have the copyrights to the photographs used.
- Free 2010 Calendar, has events for every month including holidays.
- Free 2010 Calendar has photography from across europe and is mainly nature photographs.

- Right click the link
- Select "save as"
- Choose where to save the file.
- Print the file.

Photographs included are below.

Its a long way home. by ~N1ghtf4ll3r on deviantART

My Little Lady by ~N1ghtf4ll3r on deviantART


Search Engine Optimisation: Part 2

Search Engine Optimisation and Keyword Density
Keyword density plays a good part in Search Engine Optimisation, because as spiders and bots crawl through your website pages they will take note of the most frequently used words, terminology and names, which will then depend on how relevant your page is to searches that are performed by that search engine.

It is not rare to find website pages that have a keyword density of 10% but I have found that more often than not, a percentage of about 5% is common. The percentage is worked out via a calculation, the amount of times your keyword or phrase appears on the page, divided by the amount of words that appear on the page and then multiplied by 100, to result in your keyword density percentage.

The equation looks something like this, as explained very clearly on Wikipedia, with similar values to…

(Keywords / words on page * 100)

Things that you should take into consideration with keyword density are, what keywords should be appearing on your webpage? Try looking at your title and thinking of 3 keywords that should appear in relation to the title, then try and rewrite your article so that the keywords will appear more frequently within your article, thus resulting in improved Search Engine Optimisation via Keyword Density.

Where else can the keywords be placed? Absolutely anywhere within your web page, you do not have to restrain to using keywords within the body of your content. Good examples of thinking outside the box with this idea below.

1) Throw some of the keywords in above your logo, so you not only have the image but you also have the appropriate keywords for your website.
2) Place the keywords within the Meta title, description and keywords.
3) How about linking within your own page, anchoring text to sections of web content, and placing the keywords as titles and content for these anchors.
4) Images, as discussed within the images section, give your image an alt tag, and use your keywords within this section.

Search Engine Optimisation and hyperlinks
First of all, if you are going through hyperlinks in all over the place, get the links correct. I’ve seen way too many websites whilst on my adventures throughout the internet, which place a link and when you click on it, it will take you through to that external link within the same page. People, users and readers, if you want some one to go to your website, then why send them away as soon as they come?
Rather choose the better option of allowing them to follow the link you have but into a new window or tab, it’s very simple and very effective. The code is below, where the target=”_blank” refers to opening a new window/tab.

< a h r e f = ”websiteaddress” t a r g e t = ” _blank ” > website name < / a >

Now on to how links affect your websites Search Engine Optimisation. Key rules are as follows, if you have a link related to your websites subject, then fantastic because it is likely going to be using those select words that you have as “keywords” (read keyword density), and as a result if you place the link, name the link and also add a title to the link, then a spider or robot, will see that keyword three times as much.

Coded example:
< a h r e f = "” t i t l e =”SEO Professor 1” > SEO Professor 2 < / a >

As you can see the address has two words within it (SEO + Professor), I have now titled the link with SEO Professor, so if you hover over it you will see exactly that as a title “SEO Professor 1”, then you also have how the hyperlink will appear in your webpage in this case “SEO Professor 2”.

Review: The Boondock Saints

Review: With "The Boondock Saints" I have to admit a was reasonably surprised. This is because I'm normally a person who completely opposes violence and movies that involve the whole, gangsters/mafia and guns.

However, with The Boondock Saints, there is the age old question thrown into a modern day scenario, should violence be solved with violence? This idea is explored as the two irish brothers, Connor (Sean Patrick Flanery) and Murphy McManus (Norman Reedus), are thrown into an unfamiliar situation that they are fortunate to leave as the victors, within the urban rundown surroundings of Boston.

This unfortunate event leads both Conner and Murphy into a world that they had not imagined, turning them not only into a position that some would refer to as god, making the decisions of life and death, but also as angels for condemning those who desire to break the law repeatedly, with the cruel harsh punishment of death.

The first Russian mob hit, is one that falls into their path by looting the Russian Mafia Soldiers that attack them, and receiving notification of where the next meeting will be. From then onwards, they rely on their good friend Rocco for information, a mob runner for a local gang.

The new found hope within Boston, is soon terrorizing the gangsters and striking fear into mobsters, whilst questioning the police force by performing their jobs but to the extreme.

Once of the most profound aspects of The Boondock Saints has to the be the depth of religion that the Mcmanus brothers follow, that portrays its way into The Boondock Saints very well through prayer and the few select scenes set within religious surroundings. The gangsters enemy, delivered from the hands of religion, through the desire to create peace with violence... is the best way to sum up The Boondock Saints.

Story line aside, the movie is set within urban surroundings and deals with situations that do not stretch your mind to far from what is reality, and this is possibly the reason why The Boondock Saints is so mind gripping.

My opinion is that The Boondock Saints will not only be very high on my favorite movies list for a long time, but that it will become/remain a cult classic for a long time to come. The Boondock Saints deserves all 5 stars.

Originally posted on Edd The Zombie by Sycrid

Review: Appleseed Ex Machina

Review: Firstly, just so that everybody knows, this is the sequel to the movie Appleseed, which was a fantastic movie and has been rated 4 out of 5 stars, on Edd The Zombie, so go watch the Appleseed, before you sit down to watch Appleseed Ex Machina.

Secondly, I only became aware of Appleseed Ex Machina through a friend, so it looks like this was released but has not been a very big hit, however that is a mistake which no one should assume to be a true projection of the quality or storyline of Appleseed Ex Machina.

The movie picks up just after where the Appleseed finished, where you are injected into the city of Olympus and thrown right in behind the life of Deunan Knute, a female E-Swat member, currently dating a cyborg, who was her boyfriend before the war, and was also human before the war which separated them. However, now re-united they have become an unstoppable force within the E-Swat team, and fight the crime that is rising within a city nick named as utopia.

Upon one mission to rescue a group of hostages Briareos, the cyborg boyfriend suffers battle damage and Deunan is given a replacement partner for a short period of time. This partner is a bioroid, a human creation, based on the genetics of Briareos, and unfortunately for Deunan, looks just as briareos used to when he was human, causing lots of emotions and memories to come back up, resulting in lots of confusion.

Along with her new partner, they have to try and save the city from a single entity trying to take over the population through a form of mind control, projected into the minds of all via a device that looks not unlike a blue tooth headset for mobile phones.

The resulting situation throws E-Swat on high alert, with riots breaking out all over the city and people not actually knowing what they are doing, due to no control. They are turned into mindless zombie mobsters, through the simple headset.

The problem however does not lie within Olympus, but rather a fellow city (Poseidon) and has seen the return of HALCON, originally the research facility for healing minds and brain damage. Dr Kestner, which is briareos’ Dr, is in control of this facility and has come to the realisation that the one entity this device will not work on is Briareos, so he injects him with a virus that allows for the start of all the anarchy. Through hacking all of the satellites whilst they are interlinked, allowing Dr Kestner to link his mind control through to the population with unimaginable force, rather than using the portable wireless pigeon devices which he used to test the system.

The finale sees a cyborg, a human and a bioroid attack the facility within which Dr Kestner started his plan for destruction. Within a heated battle, the three have to fight off anything that is thrown their way, in order to have any hope of saving the world.

If you watch Appleseed Ex Machina, I believe you may be satisfied with the quality of work that has been developed, although the storyline is not quite as mind dazzling, and perhaps spread out through a period of time that is a little stretched, and could leave you a little bored.

Never the less, Appleseed Ex Machina, is an adaptation of Masamune Shirows work, which is always original and compelling. Appleseed Ex Machina, is definitely worth a watch if you have seen Appleseed, and is rated 3 out of 5 stars by Sycrid.

Originally posted on Edd The Zombie


Review: Appleseed

Within the vast range of anime movies that I have watched, Appleseed caught my imagination perfectly; it opened up the idea of our future and the idea of how people will live along side their creations.

Appleseed deals with a lot of complex issues which are treated within what could be scene as an extended opening scene. The issues Appleseed deals with include how are creations can become as complex as we our selves are, what happens when we see both humans and alternative life as different rather than universal and equal. The subject of relationships is thrown into Appleseed as the main character Dunen discovers her boyfriend is still alive, but only due to being turned into a cyborg in order to survive.

The opening of Appleseed sees Dunen fighting off a collective of rogue soldiers, within a destroyed world, after the earth was brought close to the end, through a global war, set within 2131. Her team is wiped out very fast and she has to run, when a group of E-Swat fighters drop in around her, annihilate the rogue soldiers and neutralize Dunen.

E-Swat had been sent in to extract Dunen from the only world that she knows, and take her back to the city Olympus, referred to by from those within, as a utopia, where everyone lives equally.

After Dunen wakes up in Olympus, she has everything explained to her. Where she is, what she is doing and why she has been brought to the city. She is here to help, to stop what is originally seen as a code or virus which could eliminate one of the best creations that human kind has developed, the bioroid. This demise of the bioroid was developed as a fail safe for the human population to ensure that things do not lose control and turn nasty, but with some one set out to release the devastating issue upon the bioroid population, then there is only one way to stop things.

Dunen is here to make sure this does not happen, she has to find something that was left to her by her mother, when she was very young. It is the key to stopping the virus and takes her on an emotional trip through forgotten memories and feelings. Upon discovery of the key, things are thought to be resolved, for a very short period of time, until the true information about what the virus is. This results quite clearly in an all out battling struggle to reach the viruses storage facility and stop it from being released.

I’ve seen Appleseed a handful of times and it always captures my imagination, so I can only imagine that anyone who is interested in watching a good sci-fi or anime movie, would enjoy Appleseed.

Appleseed is rated 4 out of 5 stars by Sycrid.
Originally Posted on Edd The Zombie


Search Engine Optimisation: Part 1

What is Search Engine Optimisation?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the ability to optimise your website so that it ranks/places higher within search results than it previously did. For example if your website is currently positioned 19th in Google for a good search, you may want to improve that to 1st, but how do you do it? This is where Search Engine Optimisation comes in, because through using Search Engine Optimisation techniques, you may highlight ideas and theories you where either not aware of, or have yet to perform to your website.

Will Search Engine Optimisation work on my website?
Search Engine Optimisation will work on any website, and it is likely that if you are reading this, and asking “will Search Engine Optimisation work on my website”, then the impact will be bigger rather than smaller for your developments.
Any website on the internet can be optimised to improve its rankings, however this does not mean very much may be done, it depends on who is above you in the search and what you have done previously to search engine optimise your website, so keep that in mind as you read on.