Catch and Release Movie Review

Review: Catch and Release, released in 2006 has an all star cast with actress Jennifer Garner and actors Kevin Smith & Timothy Olyphant. Usually when something has Kevin Smith involved you would assume it's to be an amazing comedy and with a title like "catch and release", it could have been just that.

However, catch and release follows the life of a near widower, who lost her fiancé a few days before their wedding. You discover a lot about Gray just as she learns about herself, as she goes through the discovery of who her fiancé actually was and his hidden secrets.

The uncovering of a secret relationship in another city, a child and a lot of money in the bank, are the remains of a man after his unfortunate demise, but how does Gray cope with such news? Well not in the way that you'd expect, at first she is a little bit hostile about the secrets, but within a short while she opens up to the child, the idea of the money and the relationship her fiancé had behind her back.

By acknowledging that she has lost him but also highlighted who he truly was, Gray starts learning alot about who she really is, and falls in love with a friend, which is where her new life starts and the movie ends.

Simply put, for a drama movie, this one kicks ass, and is one of my favourite movies of all time. It's well directed, nothing has been cut short and it's well thought out. If you watch it, I believe you will come to a similar conclusion and for that reason Catch and Release has been handed 5 stars by me.

Originally posted on Edd The Zombie