Monster House Movie Review

Review: Monster house, what do you think of when you hear that for a movie name? My assumption was that it would be about monsters within an old house, and I was partially correct. It turns out that the house was in fact the monster.

Two of the very best things about Monster House, were the angle from which the story was told, because the developers/directors pinned down what appeared to be a solid idea of what a child’s view towards an angry old man and his old house could be. The other big bonus was the level of artwork and graphic development that had been placed within Monster House, although it did feel like I was watching the original toy story again, but with a new plot.

However, the story follows a simple idea of… It’s coming to Halloween and a few children (the main characters), have an over active imagination which oddly enough turns out to be the truth, when they discover their neighbour has a house that turns into a monster. Of course no body believes them and they have to investigate all by themselves, but through investigation they discover that giving a house a cold, will not quite destroy it.

I have to advise that you watch this movie to discover the ending of the story, but it’s a very simple plot and to be honest it’s not the world’s best movie for those of us who refer to ourselves as adults, but I’m sure the kids will enjoy Monster House.

Edd The Zombie rates Monster House 3 out of 5 stars.

Originally posted on Edd The Zombie